+43 5443 84 17

in the heart of Galtür

Location & Arrival

Our Berghotel Rasis is located at the heart of our small village Galtür.  Here you can find peace and relaxation but also fun and action away from the hustle and bustle of the big towns.

The Silvretta Hochalpenstraße is closed due to a rockfall until autumn 2024 from Partenen to the Vermuntsee for public traffic! An ascent from Tirol (Galtür via the Bielerhöhe to the Vermuntsee/ access Saarbrücker Hütte) is possible.

Berghotel Rasis
Hnr. 66c
6563 Galtür
Berghotel Rasis
Hnr. 66c
6563 Galtür

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Winter holiday at the Berghotel Rasis

Friends of Galtür
1 + 1 special

Whether ski pass, ski rental or ski course – one person pays, the second one is free and happy. 

Our “Friends of Galtür – 1+1 special“ is valid in the pre-season and for stays of a minimum of 3 nights.